Polkadot and Chainlink have announced the release of Chainlink's Price Feeds as a module, or "pallet" in Polkadot terminology, for the Substrate blockchain framework.

The release means that any project building on the Substrate framework — which includes Polkadot and Kusama parachains, equally well as contained blockchains — can integrate Chainlink oracles through a simplified library.

The announcement comes as the latest effect of a long-standing collaboration betwixt Chainlink and Polkadot, now offering a tangible production that tin can enable a number of DeFi-centric utilize cases on Polkadot.

The integration every bit a Substrate pallet means that it is up to each individual parachain to integrate and enable Chainlink oracles. This is a significant change from the architecture used on Ethereum, where Chainlink nodes regularly publish price data on each cake, which smart contracts can and then cull to reference or ignore.

On Polkadot, the more flexible pattern means that parachains that do not need Chainlink data won't need to devote whatever blockchain space to it. On individual parachains, notwithstanding, the cease result may wait similar to Ethereum. Peter Mauric, caput of communications at Parity Technologies, compared the situation to "as if Chainlink were integrated as an opcode on Ethereum."

The complete Chainlink integration is likely to be welcome news for DeFi-centric parachains like Moonbeam, Equilibrium or Acala, particularly from the perspective of introducing Ethereum projects to Polkadot. However, at that place is likely to be boosted development work required to adapt the Chainlink pallet for utilise with smart contracts.

Chainlink is used by a number of DeFi projects on Ethereum to read external market data — a critical necessity for lending protocols, in particular. The projection recently began a shift toward focusing on more than merely price data, a pivot that comes at the heels of introducing the Off-Chain Reporting architecture.