
How Long Do Newfoundland Dogs Live

Canis familiaris breed

Dog breed

Newfoundland dog Smoky.jpg


Origin Isle of Newfoundland, modern-24-hour interval Canada
Superlative Dogs 71 cm (28 in)[1]
Bitches 66 cm (26 in)[1]
Weight Dogs 65–fourscore kg (143–176 lb)[1]
Bitches 55–65 kg (121–143 lb)[1]
Glaze Thick and direct
Colour Blackness, white with blackness patches ("Landseer"), chocolate-brown (not in Canadian standard), and grayness (but in US standard, non recognized by other standards)
Litter size iv–12 pups
Life bridge 8–10 years [one]
Kennel club standards
Canadian Kennel Lodge standard
FCI standard
Notes Provincial mammal of Newfoundland
Dog (domestic dog)

The Newfoundland is a big working dog. They tin can be blackness, brown, grey, or white. Nevertheless, in the Dominion of Newfoundland, earlier it became part of the confederation of Canada, but black and Landseer (white-and-blackness) coloured dogs were considered to be proper members of the breed.[2] They were originally bred and used as working dogs for fishermen in Newfoundland.[three] [4] Newfoundlands are known for their giant size, intelligence, tremendous strength, calm disposition, love of children and loyalty. They excel at water rescue/lifesaving because of their muscular build, thick double coat, webbed paws, and swimming abilities.[5] [half-dozen] [seven]

Description [edit]

Appearance [edit]

Newfoundlands typically accept dark brown eyes, but lighter center colors are common for the brown or grey coated

Newfoundlands ('Newfs' or 'Newfies') take webbed paws and a h2o-resistant glaze.[8] Males normally weigh 65–80 kg (143–176 lb), and females 55–65 kg (121–143 lb), placing them in the "Behemothic" weight range; just some Newfoundlands have been known to weigh over 90 kg (200 lb) – and the largest on tape weighed 120 kg (260 lb) and measured over 1.viii m (half dozen ft) from nose to tail, ranking it among the largest of dog breeds. They may grow up to 56–76 cm (22–30 in) tall at the shoulder.[9]

The American Kennel Order (AKC) standard colours of the Newfoundland are black, brown, grey, and white-and-black (sometimes referred to as a Landseer). Other colours are possible but are not considered rare or more than valuable. The Kennel Club (KC) permits only blackness, chocolate-brown, and white/black; the Canadian Kennel Social club (CKC) permits only black and white/blackness. The "Landseer" pattern is named after the artist, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, who featured them in many of his paintings. FƩdƩration Cynologique Internationale (FCI) consider the ECT Landseer ("European Continental Type") to be a dissever breed. It is a taller, more than narrow white dog with black markings not bred with a Newfoundland.[9]

The Newfoundland's extremely large bones requite it mass, while its large musculature gives it the ability it needs to have on rough ocean waves and powerful tides. These dogs have huge lung capacity for swimming extremely long distances and a thick, oily, and waterproof double coat which protects them from the arctic of icy waters.[10] The double coat makes the dog hard to groom, and also causes a lot of shedding to occur. The droopy lips and jowls make the canis familiaris drool, especially in high estrus.

In the h2o, the Newfoundland's massive webbed paws give it maximum propulsion. The swimming stroke is not an ordinary dog paddle: Different other dogs, the Newfoundland moves its limbs in a down-and-out move giving more ability to every stroke.[ citation needed ]

Temperament [edit]

J. M. Barrie with his Newfoundland domestic dog Luath, model of Nana.

The Newfoundland is known for its calm and docile nature and its strength. They are very loyal, take a mild nature, and make nifty working dogs. It is for this reason that this breed is known as "the gentle giant". International kennel clubs by and large depict the breed equally having a sweet temper.[eight] [11] [12] The breed typically has a deep bawl and is like shooting fish in a barrel to train if started young. They are wonderfully proficient with children, merely small children can become accidentally leaned on and knocked down. Newfoundlands are ideal companions in the world of therapy and are often referred to as "nanny dogs". The breed was memorialised in "Nana", the dearest guardian domestic dog in J. M. Barrie'due south Peter Pan.[A] The Newfoundland, in general, is adept with other animals, but its size can cause bug if it is not properly trained.

A Newfoundland's good, sweet nature is then important, it is listed in the breed standards of many countries; dogs exhibiting poor temperament or assailment are disqualified from showing and should never be used to breed. The breed standard in the United States reads that "Sugariness of temperament is the hallmark of the Newfoundland; this is the most of import single characteristic of the breed."[13]

Newfoundlands are well known for their even temperament and stoic nature

Health [edit]

There are several health problems associated with Newfoundlands. Newfoundlands are prone to hip dysplasia (a malformed ball and socket in the hip joint). They besides get elbow dysplasia, and cystinuria (a hereditary defect that forms calculi stones in the bladder). Another genetic problem is subvalvular aortic stenosis (SAS). This is a common heart defect in Newfoundlands involving defective middle valves. SAS can cause sudden death at an early on age. It is like to having a heart set on. The breed may live to be 8 to 10 years of historic period; 10 years is a usually cited life expectancy.[14] Notwithstanding, Newfoundlands tin can live up to xv years former.[xv]

History [edit]

Origin [edit]

Genome assay indicates that Newfoundlands are related to the Irish h2o spaniel, Labrador Retriever, and Curly-Coated Retriever.[sixteen]

The Newfoundland was originally bred and used as working dogs for fishermen in Newfoundland.[three] [4]

In the early 1880s, fishermen and explorers from Republic of ireland and England travelled to the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, where they described two chief types of working dogs. 1 was heavily built, large with a longish glaze, and the other medium-sized in build – an active, smooth-coated water canis familiaris. The heavier breed was known as the Greater Newfoundland, or Newfoundland. The smaller breed was known as the Bottom Newfoundland, or St. John'due south h2o canis familiaris. The St. John's water dog became the founding breed of modern retrievers. Both breeds were used as working dogs to pull fishnets, with the Greater Newfoundland also being used to booty carts and other equipment.[17]

It has too been proposed that the original Newfoundland that lived on the isle was smaller;[18] [xix] in theory, the smaller landrace was bred with mastiffs when sold to the English, and the English language version was popularized to get what nosotros think of every bit a Newfoundland today.[20]

Reputation [edit]

The breed's working part was varied. Many tales have been told of the courage displayed past Newfoundlands in adventuring and lifesaving exploits. Over the last 2 centuries, this has inspired a number of artists, who have portrayed the dogs in paint, rock, bronze, and porcelain. Ane famous Newfoundland was named Seaman, one of the most traveled dogs in homo history, who accompanied American explorers Lewis and Clark on their expedition from the Mississippi to the Pacific and back, a journey that took 3 years. A statue of him is included in many Lewis and Clark monuments. Many children's books have been written near him (see Seaman (canis familiaris)#Children's books about Seaman).

The breed prospered in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, until 1914 and once more in 1939, when its numbers were about fatally depleted past wartime restrictions. Since the 1950s in that location has been a steady increase in numbers and popularity, despite the fact that the Newfoundland's keen size and fondness for mud and h2o makes it unsuitable every bit a pet for many households.[21]

H2o rescue [edit]

During the Discovery Aqueduct's 2d mean solar day of coverage of the American Kennel Club Eukanuba National Title on December 3, 2006, anchor Bob Goen reported that Newfoundlands exhibit a very strong propensity to rescue people from water. Goen stated that one Newfoundland solitary aided the rescue of 63 shipwrecked sailors. Today, kennel clubs across the United States host Newfoundland Rescue Demonstrations, as well as offer classes in the field. Many harbour gunkhole tours in St John'southward have a dog on board for local charm as well as for passenger safety.

  • An unnamed Newfoundland is credited for saving Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815. During his famous escape from exile on the island of Elba, rough seas knocked Napoleon overboard. A fisherman'southward dog jumped into the sea, and kept Napoleon afloat until he could accomplish safe.[22]
  • In 1828, Ann Harvey of Isle aux Morts, her begetter, her brother, and a Newfoundland named Hairyman saved over 160 Irish immigrants from the wreck of the brig Despatch.
  • In 1881 in Melbourne, Commonwealth of australia, a Newfoundland named Nelson helped rescue Thomas Brownish, a cab driver who was swept abroad by flood waters in Swanston Street on the dark of November 15. While little is known about what became of Nelson, a copper domestic dog neckband engraved with his name has survived and 130 years after the rescue it was acquired by the National Museum of Australia and is now office of the National Historical Collection.[23]
  • In the early on 20th century, a dog that is thought to have been a Newfoundland saved 92 people who were on the SS Ethie which was wrecked off of the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland during a blizzard. The dog retrieved a rope thrown out into the turbulent waters by those on deck, and brought the rope to shore to people waiting on the beach. A breeches buoy was fastened to the rope, and all those aboard the send were able to get across to the shore including an baby in a mailbag. Wreckage of the ship can yet exist seen in Gros Morne National Park. E. J. Pratt's poem "Carlo", in the Nov 1920 issue of the Canadian Forum, commemorates this dog.
  • In 1995, a ten-month-old Newfoundland named Boo saved a hearing-dumb man from drowning in the Yuba River in Northern California. The man fell into the river while dredging for gold. Boo noticed the struggling man as he and his owner were walking along the river. The Newfoundland instinctively pigeon into the river, took the drowning human being by the arm, and brought him to safety. According to Janice Anderson, the Newfoundland's breeder, Boo had received no formal training in water rescue.[24]

Further show of Newfoundlands' ability to rescue or support life-saving activities was cited in a 2007 article past the BBC.[25]

Relationship to other breeds [edit]

The Newfoundland shares many physical traits with mastiffs and Molosser-type dogs, such as the St. Bernard and English Mastiff, including stout legs, massive heads with very broad snouts, a thick bull-like neck, and a very sturdy bone structure.[26] Many St. Bernards have Newfoundlands in their ancestry.[ citation needed ] Newfoundlands were brought and introduced to the St. Bernard breed in the 18th century when the population was threatened by an epidemic of canine distemper. They share many characteristics of many livestock guardian dog breeds, such as the Great Pyrenees.

Because of their forcefulness, Newfoundlands were office of the foundation stock of the Leonberger (which excelled at h2o rescue and was imported past the Canadian government for that purpose); and the now-extinct Moscow Water Dog, a failed attempt at creating a lifesaving dog past the Russian land kennel—the unfortunate outcross with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog begat a dog more than adept at biting than rescuing.

Famous Newfoundlands [edit]

Napoleon the Wonder Dog [edit]

A famous all-black Newfoundland performed as the star attraction in Van Hare'due south Magic Circus from 1862 and for many years thereafter in one of England's founding circus acts, traveling throughout Europe. The circus dog was known as the "M Guinea Dog Napoleon" or "Napoleon the Wonder Dog." The circus owner, G. Van Hare, trained other Newfoundland dogs to perform a steeplechase routine with baboons dressed up as jockeys to ride them. Yet, his "wizard dog" Napoleon was his favourite and held a special position in the Magic Circus. Napoleon would compete at jumping against human rivals, leaping over horses from a springboard, and dancing to music.[27] [28]

Napoleon the Wonder Dog became a wildly popular act in London from his debut at the Pavilion Theatre on April 4, 1862, and onward until his untimely death many years later when he slipped and fell during a circus do session. At the peak of his fame, his performance was described in London's Illustrated Sporting News and Theatrical and Musical Review as follows: "Synopsis of his entertainment:— He spells his own name with messages, also that of the Prince of Wales; and when he is asked what he would say of her Almost Gracious Majesty, he puts down letters to class 'God relieve the Queen.' He plays any gentleman a game of cards and performs the historic three-card trick upon which his master backs him at 100 to one. Also 'The Disappearance,' a la Robin. He performs in a circus the aforementioned every bit a trick horse, en libertĆ©, giving the Spanish trot to music, also leaping over bars, through balloons, with numerous other tricks of a most interesting graphic symbol."[29]

When Napoleon the Wonder Domestic dog died at the age of 12 years old, his passing was announced in a number of British newspapers, including the Sheffield Daily Telegraph, which mentioned the loss on May v, 1868, as follows: "Decease OF A CELEBRATED FOUR-FOOTED ARTISTE. — Mr. Van Hare's renowned dog, Napoleon, designated 'The Wizard Dog,' died on 24th ult., aged twelve years. He was a noble specimen of the Newfoundland breed (weighing near 200 lbs.) for which he took the prize at the first Agricultural Hall Domestic dog Show. Besides his magnificent appearance and symmetry, he was the most extraordinary sagacious and highly-trained animal ever known. He is now being preserved and beautifully mounted by the celebrated naturalist, Mr. Edwin Ward. — Era."[30]

Other famous Newfoundlands [edit]

  • Bashaw (Matthew Cotes Wyatt): the Earl of Dudley's favourite canis familiaris, and the inspiration for a sculpture past Matthew Cotes Wyatt at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London
  • Bilbo: a lifeguard Newfoundland on Sennen embankment in Cornwall—credited with saving three lives[31]
  • Boatswain: pet of English poet Lord Byron and the discipline of his poem "Epitaph to a Dog". Byron attempted to nurse Boatswain back to health when the canis familiaris contracted rabies, only was unsuccessful. When Boatswain died, Byron constructed a monument for him at Newstead Abbey.
  • Bouncer: presented by the children of Newfoundland, with a canis familiaris-cart,[32] as a gift to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York (subsequently George V and Queen Mary), during their visit to the colony in 1901[33] [34]
  • Frank: unofficial mascot of the Orphan Brigade during the American Civil War[35]
  • Gander: the World War Two mascot of the Purple Rifles of Canada, also known as "Sergeant Gander", which was killed in action at the Battle of Hong Kong when he carried a grenade away from wounded soldiers. For this, he was awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal retroactively in 2000.[36] A memorial statue can exist viewed at the Gander Heritage Memorial Park (Gander, NL).[37]
  • Gipsy: Lemuel and Emma Wilmarth'due south dog which saved the latter from drowning, lived to be 23 years old, and inspired a poem by ASPCA founder Henry Bergh.
  • Luath: J. M. Barrie's Landseer Newfoundland and the inspiration for "Nana," the Darling children'due south nurse in Peter Pan.
  • Rigel: suspected pet of first officer William Murdoch aboard the RMS Titanic. Murdoch went down with the ship, but Rigel swam for three hours next to a lifeboat until it was rescued past the RMS Carpathia. Rigel is renowned as a hero alerting the Carpathia 's captain of the weakened survivors before the ship hit them. Rigel was adopted by sailor Jonas Briggs.[38]
  • Sable Chief: Globe War I mascot of the Regal Newfoundland Regiment
  • Seaman: his name once misread as Scannon, this dog travelled with the Lewis and Clark Expedition from the Mississippi to the Pacific Sea and back, a three-twelvemonth trip (1804 to 1806). His collar tag, now lost merely once in a museum, read:
The greatest traveller of my species.
My proper name is SEAMAN,
the dog of helm Meriwether Lewis,
whom I accompanied to the Pacifick [sic] ocean
through the interior of the continent of North America[39]
  • Swansea Jack: famous Welsh rescue domestic dog identified as a Newfoundland, but which had an advent more like a modern-solar day Flat-Coated Retriever

Gallery [edit]

See also [edit]

References [edit]

Explanatory notes [edit]

  1. ^ Used every bit a nanny by the Darling family, Nana does non speak or do annihilation across the physical capabilities of a large dog, but acts with credible understanding of her responsibilities. The grapheme is played in stage productions past an actor in a dog costume. Barrie based the character of Nana on his dog Luath Archived 2017-03-09 at the Wayback Auto, a Newfoundland. Even so, in the animated Disney movie Peter Pan, Nana was depicted as a St. Bernard. "Nana". neverpedia. Archived from the original on Feb 6, 2014. Retrieved April 18, 2014.

Citations [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on September 24, 2015. Retrieved April 5, 2015. {{cite spider web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  2. ^ "Newfoundland - CKC". Archived from the original on Jan 25, 2021. Retrieved August 29, 2014.
  3. ^ a b John Henry Walsh (1878). The dogs of the British Islands: existence a serial of articles on the points of their diverse breeds, and the handling of the diseases to which they are discipline. "The Field" Office. p. 173. Archived from the original on June 27, 2014. Retrieved Oct 4, 2016.
  4. ^ a b William Jardine, Charles Hamilton Smith (January 1, 1999). The Naturalist'south Library: Mammalia, Dogs. p. 132. ISBN978-1-4021-8033-0. Archived from the original on June 27, 2014. Retrieved October 4, 2016.
  5. ^ "Newfoundland Dog Breed Information". Archived from the original on May 10, 2018. Retrieved May 31, 2018.
  6. ^ "Newfoundland Dogs Assist the Italian Coast Baby-sit Salvage Lives". August v, 2015. Archived from the original on Oct six, 2020. Retrieved Oct 9, 2020.
  7. ^ "12 Newfoundland Canis familiaris Facts That Newfie Lovers Know by Heart". April 10, 2019. Archived from the original on September 24, 2020. Retrieved Oct nine, 2020.
  8. ^ a b Newfoundland Brood Standard Archived 2011-eleven-17 at the Wayback Machine The Kennel Club, 'Exceptionally gentle, docile nature' .. 'webbed' ... 'oily nature, water-resistant'
  9. ^ a b American Kennel Lodge (Jan 31, 2006). The consummate canis familiaris volume. Random Firm Digital, Inc. pp. 349–350. ISBN978-0-345-47626-5. Archived from the original on Jan 1, 2014. Retrieved October 4, 2016.
  10. ^ The Complete Dog Book (xix ed.). Foster City, CA: Howell Volume House. 1998. pp. 276–277. ISBN0-87605-047-Ten.
  11. ^ Newfoundland Breed Standard Archived 2012-08-xix at the Wayback Motorcar American Kennel Club, 'a sweetness-dispositioned dog that acts neither dull nor ill-tempered' ... 'Sweetness of temperament'
  12. ^ CKC Breed Standards Archived 2013-12-19 at the Wayback Auto Canadian Kennel Club, 'The Newfoundland's expression is soft and reflects the character of the brood—benevolent, intelligent, dignified just capable of fun. He is known for his sterling gentleness and quiet.'
  13. ^ "Newfoundland Dog Brood Data". American Kennel Order. Archived from the original on May ten, 2018. Retrieved May 31, 2018.
  14. ^ Cassidy, Kelly 1000. (February one, 2008). "Brood Longevity Information". Dog Longevity. Archived from the original on July 17, 2007. Retrieved September 18, 2012.
  15. ^ Maniate, Peter. "Oldest Living Newfoundlands". Hannibal Kennels. Archived from the original on Nov 10, 2016. Retrieved November 9, 2016.
  16. ^ Parker, Heidi One thousand.; Dreger, Dayna 50.; Rimbault, Maud; Davis, Brian Westward.; Mullen, Alexandra B.; Carpintero-Ramirez, Gretchen; Ostrander, Elaine A. (April 25, 2017). "Genomic analyses reveal the influence of geographic origin, migration and hybridization on mod dog breed development". Prison cell Reports. 19 (4): 697–708. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2017.03.079. PMC5492993. PMID 28445722.
  17. ^ Newfoundland Guild of America. Draft Equipment Guide (PDF). NCA Working Canis familiaris Committee.
  18. ^ Watson, James (1906). The domestic dog book: a popular history of the dog. New York: Doubleday, Folio & company.
  19. ^ Wolters, Richard (1981). The Labrador Retriever: The History...the People. Petersen Prints.
  20. ^ Richardson, H (1847). Dogs: Their Origin and Varieties, Directions every bit to Their Full general Management, and Elementary Instructions equally to Their Treatment Under Affliction. O. Judd & Company.
  21. ^ "The Newfoundland Canis familiaris Gild UK - Breed History". kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Archived from the original on May 18, 2010. Retrieved February 19, 2011.
  22. ^ Shewmake, Dejeuner. Canine Courage: the Heroism of Dogs. [Portage, MI]: PageFree Pub., 2002. p. 75
  23. ^ "Nelson the Newfoundland's dog collar, National Museum of Commonwealth of australia". December 5, 2011. Archived from the original on March 22, 2012. Retrieved Feb fourteen, 2012.
  24. ^ "Guard Dogs: Newfoundlands' Lifesaving Past, Present". Oct 28, 2010. Archived from the original on June 4, 2011. Retrieved Feb 19, 2011.
  25. ^ Beach rescue dog alerts swimmer Archived 2007-10-11 at the Wayback Machine, Baronial 23, 2007, BBC.
  26. ^ Dan Rice (March 1, 2001). Big dog breeds. Barron's Educational Series. p. 220. ISBN978-0-7641-1649-0. Archived from the original on July v, 2014. Retrieved October 4, 2016.
  27. ^ Fifty years of a showman'due south life, or, The life and travels of Van Hare. [Grand Van Hare; McManus-Young Drove (Library of Congress)]
  28. ^ "East London Theatre Playbills UK". Archived from the original on Apr 7, 2012. Retrieved November 14, 2011.
  29. ^ Illustrated Sporting News and Theatrical and Musical Review, Issue #28, September xx, 1862
  30. ^ "Death of a Historic Four-Footed Artiste". Sheffield Daily Telegraph. May five, 1868. p. half dozen. Retrieved December 21, 2016. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-condition (link)
  31. ^ "Lifesaving Sennen beach dog, Bilbo, dies". BBC News. May 21, 2015. Archived from the original on May 21, 2015. Retrieved May 21, 2015.
  32. ^ Wallace, Donald Mackenzie; Prior, Sydney; Martino, Eduardo de (1902). The Web of an Empire: a diary of the imperial bout of their Purple Highnesses the Knuckles & Duchess of Cornwall & York in 1901. London, New York: Macmillan and Visitor, Limited. p. 433.
  33. ^ Harvey, Moses (1902). Newfoundland at the Showtime of the 20th Century: A Treatise of History and Evolution. Newfoundland: South Publishing Visitor. p. 57. Archived from the original on October 12, 2021. Retrieved July 23, 2017.
  34. ^ "The home-coming of the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall and York". Graphic. Vol. 64 (1667). England. November 9, 1901. p. 605. Archived from the original on Dec 1, 2017. Retrieved March thirty, 2017.
  35. ^ Lady Twylyte (February 27, 1904). "Civil State of war Company Mascots". Archived from the original on Nov 26, 2010. Retrieved February 19, 2011.
  36. ^ "Gander: Canadian War Hero". Archived from the original on December 21, 2010. Retrieved February 19, 2011.
  37. ^ "'Much loved' Newfoundland canis familiaris Sergeant Gander honoured with statue". CBC/Radio-Canada. Archived from the original on Jan 17, 2017. Retrieved July 23, 2017.
  38. ^ Roger Danielsen (April 21, 1912). "Rigel on the Titanic". Archived from the original on April xiv, 2011. Retrieved February 19, 2011.
  39. ^ Holmberg, James (Feb 2000). "SeaMan's Fate? Lewis's Newfoundland dog likely survived the trek and accompanied his master on his last, fateful journey" (PDF). We Proceeded On: 7–9. Archived (PDF) from the original on September two, 2021. Retrieved September vii, 2021.

Further reading [edit]

  • Kosloff, Joanna (2006). Newfoundlands: Everything About Purchase, Care, Diet, Diseases, Convenance, Behavior, and Preparation. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series. ISBN978-0-7641-3399-2. OCLC 67840186.
  • Mussulman, Joseph (Jan 2015), Newfoundland Dogs, Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation

External links [edit]

  • Newfoundland at Curlie


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