
How Long Is One Day On Jupiter

How Long is a Solar day On Other Planets?

A 3D rendering of the Solar System.

Our solar organization is made up of 8 planets that orbit around the sun. There are also five planets identified as dwarf planets and other smaller solar objects which together also orbit around the sun. In that location are four planets categorized as inner planets: Mercury, Venus, World, and Mars, and they are among the smallest. On the other side, in that location are terrestrial planets which are made upward mainly of metals and solid rocks, and they are the four outer planets also known every bit behemothic planets which include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The planets Saturn and Jupiter are the largest, and they are gas planets which are fabricated upwardly of helium and hydrogen, while Neptune and Uranus are the outermost planets, and they are made up of volatiles such as methane ammonia and h2o.


58 Earth days

Mercury is about 35.98 million miles from the sun. It takes Mercury approximately 58.64 World days (1,408 hours) to rotate on its centrality, also known as the sidereal time. Information technology takes about 175.97 Earth days from ane sunrise to another, and this is due to the planet's proximity to the lord's day and its high speed of orbiting around the sun. It will take approximately 176 days for the planet to experience one sunrise to another sunrise. The orbital time or the time the planet takes to go around the sunday is 89.969 Globe days, implying that Mercury has a twelvemonth which is equivalent to 88 days on Globe. A single twelvemonth on the planet Mercury lasts well-nigh half as long every bit its mean solar day.


243 World days

Venus is the second planet later Mercury that is closer to the sun and lies in a distance of about 67.24 1000000 miles away from the sun. The planet is among the slowest in our solar system considering all other planets have experienced flattening on both poles as a event of speeds of their spinning a characteristic which is lacking on Venus. The rotational speed of Venus is 4.0 mph in comparing to the rotational velocity of the Earth, which is ane,040 mph. The planet is a retrograde rotation planet, significant that information technology is rotating in the opposite direction of its path information technology takes around the sun. Venus takes 243.025 Earth days (5,832 hours) to turn in one case on its axis. Just like Mercury, the slow rotation and the orbital speed of Venus imply that one solar twenty-four hours or the fourth dimension taken for the sun to appear in the same location in the heaven is 117 days. Therefore one year in Venus interpret to about 224.70 Earth days and during this time the planet experiences only two sunrises and two sunsets. One twelvemonth on the planet takes equally long as 1.92 days of the planet Venus.


24 Earth hours

Earth rotates one time on its centrality in exactly 23 hrs 56 mins and secs. On the other hand, it takes an average of 24 hours for one solar mean solar day on World, and it means that this is the duration it takes the sun to evidence up over again in the aforementioned position in the skies. On Earth, a cycle of a one day and night is 24 hrs. Our planet World takes 365.256 days to go around the lord's day.


24 Earth hours, 37 minutes

One day on the planet Mars is nearly equivalent to a single twenty-four hour period on Earth which takes 24 hrs, 37mins and 22 secs to spin in one case on its axis, and this implies that a single day on Mars is the same as ane.025957 Earth days (25 hours). Mars has some similarities with the planet Globe having a tilt of 25.19 degrees compared to Globe, which is tilted at 23.4 degrees. Variation in seasons on Mars takes almost twice as long compared to the seasons on Earth, due to the distance of the planet from the sun. Consequently, ane year on Mars lasts nigh twice as long every bit on World, which is 680 half-dozen.71 Earth days and translates to ii,668.599 Martian days.


9 Earth hours, 55 minutes

Jupiter is the largest planet and the Jovian 24-hour interval (a day on Jupiter) is only 9 hrs 55 mins and 30 secs, a length which is about 1/3 the length of the day on Earth. The reason why the behemothic planet has a shorter solar day is considering of its rotational velocity with is 28,148.1 15 mph at the equator. Since the planet is not solid, the rotational speed at the equator is higher compared to the rotational speed at the poles. On Jupiter, the sun would be seen on the same point on the sky in near 10 hours. In one Jovian twelvemonth, the sun will rise and prepare for approximately ten,476 times.


20 Earth hours, 33 minutes

The planet Saturn experiences almost the same state of affairs as Jupiter, and the rotational speed of the planet is 22,058.67 vii miles per hr. This implies that the planet takes an average of 10 hrs and 33 mins to complete one sidereal rotation, and therefore a twenty-four hours on the planet Saturn is less than half a twenty-four hour period on planet Earth. Saturn as well takes the comparable of 29.4 57 Globe years or 10,759.2 World days to go or orbit effectually the sun and therefore one Cronian year (a year on Saturn) is equivalent 24,491 Saturnian days.


17 Earth hours, xiv minutes

The sidereal rotation of the planet Uranus takes 17 hrs, 14 mins and 24 secs, which is nigh 0.71833 days on Globe. The planet has a tilt of 97.7 7 degrees making one of the poles betoken almost straight to the lord's day during its orbital journey around the sunday. Therefore, during summer on the planet, ane side will experience continuous sunlight for 42 years while i side which is facing away from the lord's day will experience perpetual darkness for 42 years too. Therefore, one unmarried day in Uranus, which is the elapsing from i sunrise the next sunrise would typically concluding for 84 years. In other words, 1 Uranian twenty-four hours is the same as ane Uranian year, which is equivalent to 84.025 Earth years.


xvi Earth hours, vi minutes

Neptune has a sidereal rotation of approximately sixteen hrs, 6 mins, and 36 secs, which is equivalent to about 0.6713 days on Globe. Neptune is a gas planet and has unlike rotational speeds on dissimilar latitudes. The rotational speed around the equator zone takes approximately eighteen hrs, while at the extreme poles information technology takes nigh 12 hrs, and this is the highest differential rotational speed in all the planets in the solar organization.

What Is The Length Of A Twenty-four hour period In The Planets Of The Solar System?

Rank Planet Length of Day
1 Mercury 58 Earth days
2 Venus 243 Earth days
3 Earth 24 hours
four Mars 25 hours
5 Jupiter x hours
6 Saturn 11 hours
seven Uranus 17 hours
8 Neptune 16 hours


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